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H2020/NAP indicator assessment

IND 1 - Municipal Waste Generation, IND 2 - “Hardware” of Waste Management and IND Q  - “Software of waste management” (Policies)

IND 1.A - Municipal waste composition

IND 1.B - Plastic waste generation per capita

IND 2.A - Waste Collection IND 2.B.1% of waste to uncontrolled dumpsites

IND Q.A - Marine Litter and Waste Management Framework

IND Q.B - Resource Recovery

IND Q.C - Sustainable Consumption and Production

Version 2.0 Date: 29/07/2020 Author(s): Mohamed Tawfic, Emanuele Bigagli


IND 3 - Access to Sanitation

IND 3.2 - Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services (SMSS)

Version: 3.0 Date: 27/07/2020 Author (s) [C. Briere Spiteri]