Data management and infrastructure
The aim of this Work Package (WP) is the development and maintenance of relevant Mediterranean data flows with support from both EEA and UNEP/MAP, aiming at regional standards while addressing the specific perspective of the individual partner countries in terms of infrastructure. The aim is to improve the efficiency of existing data flows (PRTR in particular), enhance synergies with the existing MEDPOL information system (NBB) as part of the InfoMAP platform, and to support the creation of new data flows and QA/QC procedures based on expanded H2020 indicators (linked to the Barcelona Convention pollution reduction and monitoring reporting obligations).
Under this WP, UNEP/MAP is leading the work related to the Barcelona Convention reporting obligations (under LBS, NBBs, PRTR and EcAp Information system implementation), data policy, data exchange protocols, online reporting tools, as well as on further developing the governance IT platform for common standardisation and specification of data. The work builds on the previous activities on setting-up a reporting system in place based on common standards (such as Reportnet) that is regularly used by the countries. With key elements from Reportnet and the experience of the first phase, InfoMAP has been identified as the most appropriate underpinning knowledge platform to support infrastructure, development of common data policy and data management in parallel to the EcAp implementation in the coming period. This is in line with the InfoMAP objective to provide and share data, information services and knowledge for the Mediterranean region.
This activity is closely linked with WP1 (country specific development), WP2 (for indicator management system and data services), WP3 (inputs data, baseline), and with the overall coordination (WP6) ensuring appropriate synergies with other information systems developments and reporting processes ate global level.