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Wastewater Indicators


Population with access to improved sanitation systems % 98.3 (2012)
WW volume collected   million m3/ year 491.5 (2012)
WW Volume treated  million m3/ year 487 (2012)

Indicator 3 : Access to Sanitation


The indicator refers to the percentage of the population with access to facilities which hygienically separate human excreta from human, animal and insect contact. The improved sanitation systems are those installed in homes or in the immediate vicinity, for the evacuation of human feces (public sanitation network, septic tank, etc.). The definition of “improved sanitation system” provided by the Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation by the World Health Organization and UNICEF is: Connection to a public sewer, connection to a septic system, pour-flush latrine, access to a pit latrine, ventilated improved pit latrine.



Availability of datasets for indicator calculation

Availability of datasets for indicator calculation
Why not

Based on surveys and estimations and accumulated

knowledge regarding the existing infrastructure

 Governance for data collection

Administrative level collecting data Central administration collects the data (ministry/specific department)
Frequency Annually, Last data refer to 2016
Name of the department responsible

Water Quality Division, Water Authority
Water and Streams Division, MoEP

Name of the data provider

Water Quality Division, Water Authority

Methodology for data collection Surveys and estimation
Master plan for municipal 

 Data management

Information system Thematic database Electronic spreadsheet No management system of data


Datasets are part of SDI

Data quality

Quality process 
Spatial resolution Aggregated at national level At coastal hydrological basin Rural Urban
Time series available

1980 - 2016

Data policy

Csv Excel Xml Word Html Pdf Access database, Mysql, Postgresql Shapefile Other
Publicly availability
How to access from outside external network (web services or API) File transfert (FTP) Other

Data flows

Is the dataset is relevant for reporting obligations Plan Bleu Medpol NAP UNSD Other

Indicator 4 : Municipal Wastewater Management


The indicator refers to the volume of municipal wastewater collected by public sewage networks, septic systems and cesspits, and the volume of wastewater treated in wastewater treatment plants. Here reference is made to primary (mechanical) treatment that removes part of the suspended solids, and secondary (biological) treatment that uses aerobic or anaerobic micro-organisms to decompose most of the organic matter and retain some of the nutrients (around 20 - 30 %). Tertiary (advanced) treatment removes the organic matter even more efficiently.




Availability of datasets for indicator calculation

Availability of datasets for indicator calculation
Wastewater treatment plants

 Governance for data collection

Administrative level collecting data Central administration
Frequency Annually, last data refer to 2016
Name of the department responsible

Water and Streams Division, MoEP
Water Quality Division, Water Authority

Name of the data provider

Wastewater treatment plants

Methodology for data collection Reporting and surveys
Master plan for municipal 

 Data management

Information system Thematic database Electronic spreadsheet No management system of data


Datasets are part of SDI

Data quality

Quality process 
Spatial resolution Aggregated at national level At coastal region At coastal city At hydrological
Time series available

1980 - 2016

Data policy

Csv Excel Xml Word Html Pdf Access database, Mysql, Postgresql Shapefile Other
Publicly availability
How to access from outside external network (web services or API) File transfert (FTP) Other

Data flows


Is the dataset is relevant for reporting obligations Plan Bleu Medpol NAP UNSD Other


Key documents
Key links