H2020/NAP indicator assessment
IND 1.1 - Total Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation
IND 1.A - Municipal waste composition
IND 1.B - Plastic waste generation per capita
IND 1.C - % of population living in Coastal Areas
IND 1.D - % of Time of Tourist visitors in Coastal Areas / Population in Coastal Areas
IND 2.A - Waste collection
IND 2.B - Environmental control
IND 2.C - Resource recovery
IND Q.A - Marine Litter and Waste Management Framework
IND Q.B - Resource Recovery
IND Q.C - Sustainable Consumption and Production
Version: 1.0 Date: 10/07/2020 Author (s) Dr. Daniel Madar, Dr. Orna Mazner, Dr. Moshe Yanai
Sanitation Services
Water- 3. Access to Sanitation
IND 3.1.1 - Share of national population with access to an improved sanitation system (ISS)
IND 3.1.2 - Share of population in the catchment/hydrological basin at the coastal area with access to an improved sanitation system (ISS)
IND 3.2.1 - Proportion of national population using safely managed sanitation services (SMSS)
IND 3.2.2 -Proportion of national hydrological basin using safely managed sanitation services (SMSS)
Version: 2.0 Date: 17/07/2020 Author (s) Dr. Daniel Madar, Dr. Orna Mazner, Dr. Moshe Yanai
Coastal and marine water quality
IND 5 - Coastal and Marine Water Quality
Version: 2.0 Date: 17/07/2020 Author (s) Dr. Daniel Madar, Dr. Orna Mazner, Dr. Moshe Yanai
Industrial Emissions
IND 6.1 Release of nutrients from industrial sectors
IND 6.2 Release of toxic substances from industrial sectors
IND 6.3 Industrial hazardous waste disposed in environmentally sound manner
IND 6.4 Compliance measures aiming at the reduction and/or elimination of pollutants generated by industrial sectors
Date : 30.07.2020 Author(s): Dr. Daniel Madar, Dr. Moshe Yanai, Dr. Orna Matzner