AZTI & EEAcademy Summer School " Blue Growth: can marine environment support growth maintaining good ocean health?"
- AZTI & EEAcademy Summer School " Blue Growth: can marine environment support growth maintaining good ocean health?"
- 2018-06-05T00:00:00+02:00
- 2018-06-07T23:59:59+02:00
- When
- Jun 05, 2018 to Jun 07, 2018 (Europe/Copenhagen / UTC200)
- Where
- San Sebastian, Spain
- Web
- Event level
- other
- Countries
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Organised by AZTI and EEAcademy, this 2018 edition of the summer school is Blue Growth and how to reconcile this growth with the maintaining of the environmental status, under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
The attendees will acquire new knowledge on recent trends in marine research, in relation to the management and governance of our oceans and the blue growth initiatives.
This summer school will focus on the integration of different sciences (i.e. social, economic and ecological) as a means to enhance the potential of our oceans through adequate management and governance, for which sustainable blue growth is crucial. This course will explore this at different spatial scales and in management and governance applications (e.g. to the MSFD, the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, the Biodiversity Strategy 2020; etc.). Hence, the main objective of the school is to give an overview on the problems associated to blue growth, and its relationship with ocean and coastal livelihoods, management and governance.
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