8th Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Steering Group, 1st Meeting of the UfM Task Force on Environment
- https://eni-seis.eionet.europa.eu/south/communication/events/related-events/8th-meeting-of-the-horizon-2020-steering-group-1st-meeting-of-the-ufm-task-force-on-environment
- 8th Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Steering Group, 1st Meeting of the UfM Task Force on Environment
- 2018-01-29T00:00:00+01:00
- 2018-01-30T23:59:59+01:00
- When
- Jan 29, 2018 to Jan 30, 2018 (Europe/Copenhagen / UTC100)
- Where
- Jordan valley Marriottt Dead Sea Resort, Dead Sea, Jordan
- Contact Name
- Event level
- regional
- Countries
- Add event to calendar
Organised by the co-Presidencies of the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the UfM Secretariat the 8th Horizon 2020 Steering Group and the first Meeting of the UfM Environment Task Force, set up in line with the “Agreed Conclusions” of the UFM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change held in Barcelona in March 2017, took place on the 29th and 30th of January 2018 respectively at the Dead Sea, in Jordan.
The above meetings are part of a set of Environment and Water meetings taking place as follows:
H2020 Steering Group (29th of January) - Agenda in English and French
UfM Task Force on Environment (30th of January) - Agenda in English and French
Second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU funded H2020/SWIM Support Mechanism Project (31st January)
UfM Water Expert group (1st of February) - Agenda
The 8th Horizon 2020 Steering Group and the first Meeting of the UfM Environment Task Force was the opportunity to follow on the progress made so far with the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change – May 2014 (background document) and more in details in the H2020 work programme 2015 - 2020 (English and French) and the related table (English and French).
the UfM Environment Task Force