Libyans experts developed preliminary structure of Libya's State of the Coastal and Marine Environment Report
In the framework of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism, CEDARE and UBA-Vienna organised a workshop for Libyan experts in Alexandria, Egypt 11-12 September 2018.
This 2-day workshop allowed experts from Libya Environment Quality Authority (EGA) and Bureau of Statistics and Census together with experts from Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency (EEAA) to identify the major Libyan coastal and marine priority issues; the main issues contributing to the pollution and degradation of the Libyan coastal and marine areas, the relevant coastal and marine indicators, the main national and regional data source in Libya.
Under the facilitation of CEDARE, experts analysed the causes of the priority issues identified, conducted a rapid transboundary analysis of the main issues between Egypt and Libya, structured the relevant indicators using the DPSIR framework and initiated a first analysis of the data sources.
On this basis, the group managed to develop a preliminary structure for Libya’s State of the Coastal and Marine Environment Report.
Follow-up steps and key processes aiming to support the full development and production of the report were identified, including elaboration of a timeline for the production, identification of lead authors, development of detailed terms of reference for each chapters, maintenance of close dialogue and cooperation with Egyptians colleagues. The ENI SEIS II South support mechanism will support the implementation through the provision of expert support, peer review of the report and outreach/dissemination.
More information available here.