EEA meeting with Information and Communication Regional Activity Center (INFO RAC) 6-8/02, Rome, Italy
The 3 days meeting aimed to meet with the new information and Communication Regional Activity Center (InfoRAC) team hosted by the Italian Environmental Agency (ISPRA) and led to the preparation of a working plan for the infrastructure component (Work Package 4) of ENI SEIS South Support Mechanism.
For each item in the agenda, the current situation (problems and limits), list of points to be addressed within UNEP MAP, working methods (including resources, roles in the team, sharing platform documents) have been addressed with the objective of:
- exploring INFO MAP infrastructure in view of delineating win-win solution (H2020 data flows)
- preparing a Meta data model in line with the EU MSFD process
- auditing MedPol Information System, NBB database to be run against this Meta data model and the corresponding system architecture
- exploring existing reporting tools related to the Barcelona Convention
- preparing a work plan to support INFO RAC in delivering the infrastructure component listed in the WP4 of SEIS II project in line with the other work packages
- analyzing the links between the ENI SEIS II website and INFO MAP services (in a view of implementing data visualization tools)
- EEA: Michael Assouline
- Info RAC Team: Giuseppina Monacelli (Director), Giordano Giorgi, Cristian Di Stefano, Valter Sambucini, Patrizia Perzia, Tiziana Cillari, Andrea Gagna, Fabio Baiocco, Arthur Pasquale
- Consultant (B-open): Marco Montuori, Alessio Siniscalchi
Developing a work plan for the infrastructure component (Work Package 4) of ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism
The meeting took stock of the political context (H2020 initiative), the different project work packages and in particular WP4 (data management and infrastructure) linking with the activities of UNEP/MAP - Barcelona Convention while taking into account the restructuring of ISPRA and the launch of the new InfoRAC team (9th of January 2017).
In the view of preparing the work plan, the following key points have been discussed:
- SDI and data management for InfoMAP (Geoserver (services), geonetwork (metadata catalogue), postgres (db))
- Description of the actual InfoMAP architecture, basic functions and components (groupware for information sharing, medpol, NBB, BCRS)
- Procedures for identifying national databases: surveys, existing groups, etc. and capacity to use utilities for surveys provided by InfoRAC
- Identification of information standards related to PRTR and extension in terms of activities to be developed
- Mapping of standards for H2020 indicators
- SDI service to be implemented at country level (including citizen/community monitoring) cloud solution + training
- Data agreement to be concluded together with local data owners for sharing information layers on SDI
- Data policy proposal to facilitate the indicators implementation (access and sharing), to be distributed over the whole information chain (row data, monitoring, indicators and reporting), and by internal and regional needs
- Identification of EcAp indicators related to H2020 initiative and related data dictionary for the integration into MED POL (taking into account the hierarchical structure, country, area, monitoring station, sample, analysis, etc.)
- Description of the types of trainings, taking into consideration pilot’s data flows to be implemented with single countries and thematic areas
NEXT steps:
Meeting between InfoRAC team and UNEP MAP secretariat in Athens 15-17/02/2017.
To organise a meeting between the InfoRAC team and the coordinators of other work packages in order to improve the coordination and integration in particular with WP2 (indicators and assessments) on new indicators and WP3 (data and statistics) on the further development of data dictionary. The meeting is tentativly pplanned end of March 2017.
Agreement to use the InfoMAP common space to share documents and updates among the project team.