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7-8 November 2018 | Second Workshop on reporting under Resolution N. 8(2012) of the Bern Convention

7-8 November 2018 | Second Workshop on reporting under Resolution N. 8(2012) of the Bern Convention

© Peter Skoberne

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

The workshop was held on 7 and 8 November 2018 in the Council of Europe’s premises in Paris. It provided an opportunity for the ENI countries to exchange feedback on trial reports (habitats, species and distribution maps) and on the updated version of the reporting tool and reporting reference portal. 

The Council of Europe has been working on the reporting mechanism for 2019. This will be the first reporting exercise on the conservation status of species and habitats for the period 2013-2018, as indicated in Resolution No 8 (2012) of the Bern Convention. 

The reference reporting portal is already available (, and the reporting tool will be operational in the first quarter of 2019. The countries have requested that the Council of Europe provides helpdesk support to be available during the reporting.

The countries presented the indicator on nationally designated protected areas, which is one of the UNECE environmental indicators. Almost all countries have made substantial progress in developing the protected areas indicator by using the EEA’s indicator templates. The indicators will be published on the ENI SEIS II East project websites in early 2019 and possibly on the national domains of the Eastern Partnership countries. 

In close cooperation with the Council of Europe, the EEA has been supporting the Eastern Partnership countries in their reporting under Resolution No 8 (2012) and developing and improving the Emerald Network. Georgia and Moldova have nominated 35 and 52 Emerald Network sites respectively for formal adoption by the standing committee since the biogeographical seminars in Tbilisi and Kiev in 2018 to scientifically assess the proposed and candidate Emerald sites. The biogeographical seminars have been technically supported and organized by the ENI SEIS II East Project.

More information is available on the event page  | Read the press release from the Council of Europe