You are here: Home / Areas of work / Communication and Visibility / News / 5-6 March 2019 | Regional Seminar for integrating environmental information in national E-Governance/Open Data frameworks and platforms

5-6 March 2019 | Regional Seminar for integrating environmental information in national E-Governance/Open Data frameworks and platforms

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine


The event brings together high-level representatives from the Eastern Partnership countries, from their Ministries of Environment and Statistical Offices, as well as officials from other relevant institutions that deal with the environment and related information (e.g. the authority responsible for land management and cadastre, and the Ministry of Health, Transport and Energy).

The focus is to discuss and identify feasible and practical means of integrating environmental information into national e-governance/open data frameworks and platforms to raise the profile of environmental information through its accessibility and the sharing and harvesting of additional environmental, social and economic benefits.

This project component will be closely linked to and build upon other thematic project components and will connect with the activities overseen by the Aarhus Convention, as well as with current initiatives taking place in the EU on open data, streamline reporting and improving the access to environmental information. National workshops in the six Eastern Partnership countries are expected to be held in the near future.

Read more about this project area.

The Ukraine Ministry of Environment has also published information on this event.