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Training on Corine Land Cover (CLC) methodology in the Republic of Moldova

Training on Corine Land Cover (CLC) methodology in the Republic of Moldova

Corine Land Cover (CLC) datasets have provided a time series of land cover and land use information across Europe since 1990. These data sets allow monitoring changes to the Earth’s surface that result from the interaction of natural processes and human activities.

Activity 2.3 of the ENI SEIS II East project ‘Pilots on extending CORINE Land Cover (CLC) methodology to areas of the partner countries’ is a step to facilitate access to and use of some spatial data required for implementing SEIS at national level. 

The training is led by experts from the European Topic Centre of Urban, Land and Soil Systems (ETC-ULS) in partnership with the Copernicus Programme; the European Union’s Earth Observation and Monitoring programme. Earth observation from space. The Republic of Moldova is a special case with a previously produced 2000 CLC layer for the entire country. The ETC/ULS carried out a quality check/verification on the 2000 data set (in 2018), and the training will discuss the 2000 data plus the land cover change methodology in view of updating the 2000 data to map changes between 2000 and 2018/2019.

The Technical Specifications for the activity are available in the document below:


 Some useful links to the EEA publications making use of the CLC data:

  1. Landscapes in transition — An account of 25 years of land cover change in Europe, EEA, 2017,
  2. Land Cover Accounts (LEAC) Methodology, EEA,
  3. Land accounts for Europe 1990-2000, EEA,
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File PDF document Draft agenda (version 25 June 2019) File