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EEAcademy Summer School on Integrated Environmental Assessment

EEAcademy Summer School on Integrated Environmental Assessment

The EEAcademy is the central EEA framework encompassing capacity-building and knowledge-sharing activities, involving experts from EEA, Eionet, Scientific Committee, Commission services and other partners.

 The Summer School on Integrated Environmental Assessment is an EEAcademy activity with the objective to strengthen the current knowledgebase on integrated assessments, improving coherence across assessments through establishing a common, foundational understanding of key theories, concepts and approaches.

 This Summer School builds on the expertise of the EEA and its Eionet partner PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and scientific advances in the field of Integrated Environmental Assessment. It is designed to enhance critical reflection and develop key competences within a vibrant and collaborative community of practitioners.



 Title   Type 
File EEA Summer School on IEA 2018.08.28 File
Library Folder
Logistic documents Folder