InfoRAC visits EEA to foster infrastructure development in the Mediterranean, Copenhagen, 19-20 April 2017
As a follow up of the initial meeting held in Rome, 6-8 February 2017, the INFO-RAC of UN environment Mediterranean Action Plan visited the EEA in Copenhagen 19-20 April 2017.
This second meeting aimed to foster communication between EEA and INFO-RAC teams and has been an opportunity for the EEA team to share its knowledge and experience of the reporting systems, tools and procedures used by the EEA for collecting, managing and sharing data, as well as to exchange idea on further development of the Mediterranean knowledge platform InfoMAP — conceived to provide and share data, information services and knowledge in the Mediterranean. Knowledge exchange and a series of thematic demonstrations of tools and process for data management and infrastructure took place with the EEA IT group. This meeting offered a platform to ensure knowledge transfer and better harmonisation of standards and procedures, in particular with regard to reporting processes for the Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
In addition, the meeting allowed further development of the work plan for the infrastructure component (Work Package 4) of ENI SEIS II South support Mechanism.
Meeting documents are available here.