UfM Task Force on Environment prepares the UfM post-2020 Environment Agenda.
The 3rd meeting of the UfM Task Force on Environment, on April 9th in Brussels, Belgium, brought together the UfM member countries, UfM Co-Presidencies and the Secretariat of the UfM, UN Environment/MAP, EEA and other regional stakeholders and partners.
This third meeting was devoted to the preparation of the UfM post-2020 Environment agenda and work plan. It discussed the concept note on the future post 2020 environment initiative/framework for action based on the work undertaken by a dedicated online working group of member states and partner organisations between January and March 2019. This was a follow up to the decision of the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change in November 2018, as well as the advancements towards a 2nd UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Change in 2020.
Following this discussion, the three main axes of the joint Initiative/ framework for action were reformulated as follows:
Support the transition to a green, circular and socially inclusive economy based on sustainable consumption and production practices and nature-based solutions;
Prevent and reduce pollution on land, sea and air;
Protect, preserve, manage and restore natural resources in the Mediterranean region within an integrated ecosystem approach, including terrestrial, marine and coastal.
The Task Force reiterated that a new “post 2020” initiative/framework for action is meant as a tool for regional integration and collaboration. As such, it acts as a framework for existing and emerging initiatives to work towards a common goal.
A good part of the meeting allowed for the presentation of the latest updates in funding and implementation of selected UfM projects and activities.
The next major milestone will be in the summer-time when the UfM Senior Officials’ Meeting (the political process towards the Ministerial meeting) will consider the work achieved under the technical component, i.e. the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change as well as the inputs of the UfM Task Force on Environment.
More information available here