Tunisia moving forward an Environmental Health Monitoring
With the support of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism, the Tunisian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment carried out a study assessing the current situation in Tunisia concerning health surveillance in relation to the environment; proposed a list of appropriate environment-health indicators and options for an integrated and sustainable monitoring system.
The Tunisian Ministry of Health - Directorate of Environmental Hygiene and Environmental Protection with the support of the World Health Organization, organized on December 11 and 12, 2019 in Hammamet , the 23rd national hygiene days under the theme "Environmental Health". This national event gathered more than hundred representatives of national stakeholders coming from all the Tunisian regions.
As part of the agenda and the specific session focusing on Environmental Health indicators, Ms Samira NEFZI, ENI SEIS II South National Focal Point presented the Horizon 2020 Initiative for a Cleaner Mediterranean Review and Monitoring group and Tunisia activities within ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism to improve knowledge base on Mediterranean environment by ensuring availability, accessibility, quality, sustainability of monitoring data and information to support regular assessment of the environment. The Study on Health and Environment presented as well during this event received a very positive feedback from the participants.
Following an active promotion of the results of the study and proposed list of indicators by the Directorate of Environmental Hygiene and Environmental Protection, the Minister of Health recommended the establishment of a monitoring system for these environment/health set of indicators to support decision-making.
The World Health Organization expressed interest in supporting this initiative. The Directorate of Environmental Hygiene and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Health will therefore proceed with the implementation of a pilot project involving three governorates.
For more information contact ENI SEIS II South National Focal Point.