Tunisia – 15 June 2020, preparatory meeting assessment of SEIS implementation, data gaps and needs
The purpose of this two-hour ENI-SEIS II online webinar was to discuss the challenges encountered during the collection and implementation of the Horizon 2020 indicators and draw a set of recommendation for the implementation of national Environmental Information system in Tunisia.
The meeting gathered participants from different agencies, including representatives from the Ministry of Environment, National Agency for Environmental Protection (ANPE), National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of the Sea (INSTM), the Coastal Protection and Planning Agency (APAL), National Sanitation Office (ONAS), National Observatory for the Environment and Sustainable Development (OTEDD).
The meeting was facilitated by OTEDD and Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Austria.
The first part of the meeting took stock of the results achieved in the implementation of the SEIS principles in Tunisia and the status of advancement in establishing a regular data flow, stabilize it to ensure regular reporting under Barcelona convention and H2020 Initiatives and other conventions. The second part of the meeting discussed a set of recommendations and key actions, based on the results of a survey on data availability and gaps.
Presentations available here