Morocco - Bilateral agreement signed with the Secrétariat d’Etat chargé du Développement Durable to support the implementation of SEIS National Work Plan
Within the framework of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism and the Contribution Agreement signed between UN Environment/MAP and the EEA, UN Environment/MAP signed a small-scale funding agreement (SSFA) with the Secrétariat d’Etat chargé du Développement Durable of Morocco on November 2017.
This 1-year agreement aims to strengthen national capacities and contribute to regional coherence and objectives by addressing specific national needs.
Under the SSFA the Secrétariat d’Etat chargé du Développement Durable will receive support:
- to further elaborate and maintain NAP/H2020 indicators and populate them at national level;
- to collect, manage and process quality-assured data for indicator production;
- to enhance the infrastructure of national information systems to support data flows and reporting to regional information systems of UN Environment/MAP;
- to ensure national capacities on the development of environmental indicators and assessment of the state of the environment;
- to regularly assess progress on the implementation of SEIS at national level.
These dedicated country activities also contribute to the UN Environment/MAP 2016-2021 Mid-term Strategy (MTS) (Decision IG.22/1 — COP 19) and the 2016-2017 Programme of Work (Decision IG.22/20 — COP 19), as well as the EEA — UN Environment/MAP Joint Work Plan 2016-2021.
Similar bilateral agreements (SSFA) are under preparation with the other ENI countries. To date, details of SSFA agreements negotiated with Egypt, Israel, Palestine and Jordan are under finalisation for signature. Support to Tunisia and Libya will be provided through other modes and details of support for Lebanon is under discussion.