Mediterranean preparing for UfM post-2020 agenda
EEA and UN environment Mediterranean Action plan (UNeMAP) participated to the 2nd UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate change, 12 November in Barcelona.
The Working group aims to review progress in the implementation of the 2014 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change, and provide suggestions for further action and follow up. As co-chair of the H2020 Review and Monitoring group, EEA and UNeMAP contributed to the review of progress with an update on the setting-up of a regular review mechanism and the production of the 2nd indicator-based Horizon 2020 report building up on the input provided by countries at the ENI SEIS II South steering Committee/H2020 RM group meeting held in Vienna 6-7 November on the current information development and progress so far.
Country delegates (environment and climate change) and partners discussed the outcome and recommendations from the external evaluation of the 2014 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change as well as the basis for the elaboration of a concept note on a potential 2nd UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Change. This non-paper reflects and integrates the priorities for actions identified at the UfM Task Force on Environment, held in January 2018 in Jordan, as reflected in the Agreed Conclusions and at the 6th UfM Climate Change Expert Group held in April 2018, and in the UfM Climate Change Expert Group Work Program (2017-2022).
For more information see here