Launch of the online survey on metadata catalogue
As announced during the 1st ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism regional workshop on indicators held 17-18 May 2017 in Copenhagen we have now launched the online survey "Tool for self-assessment of data management".
The survey is open until the 29th of October. In view of the 2nd ENI SEIS II South Steering Committee Meeting and 8th meeting of the Horizon 2020 Review and Monitoring (RM) Group - 16-17-18 October 2017, all NFPs are invited to complete the survey before the 16th of October. Project team will present initial findings and provide support to the countries if needed during the Steering Committee to advance the completion of the metadata catalogue.
The questionnaire is established to support the setting-up of a catalog of metadata with information on all the data needed to calculate the H2020 indicators. The questionnaire focuses on H2020 themes (municipal waste, hazardous waste, wastewater, nutrient concentration, access to improved sanitation systems, and industrial emissions). For each topics, the questionnaire is organized around a series of common questions on data sources, data management, geographic and temporal coverage, format, accessibility, interoperability, reporting activities, etc.
Consult the survey in English or French