Jordan progresses towards a National Shared Environmental Information System
The SEIS national team composed of 38 experts representing different relevant institutions is now fully activated. Since June 2017, the team actively worked on Environmental Indicators and Information Technology for the establishment of National Environmental Information System.
The national team with the support of the SEIS national focal points is currently working on identifying a set of national environmental indicators taking into account the national agenda 2025 as well as different indicators initiatives such as: Sustainable Development Goals, Arab League sustainable development indicators, Plan Bleu, H2020, etc. The set of environmental indicators will be used for the compilation of the next national state of environment report.
The team is working on mapping existing data sets to populate the environmental indicators. The result of this task will be compiled in a report on environmental indicators comprising:data gap analysis and set of recommendations for decision makers in view to address knowledge gaps and enhance monitoring activities necessary to generate missing data and information.
In addition, members of the national team have been supporting the on going work carried out by UNESCO and the Ministry of water resources in implementing the sustainable development goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Between January and early February, with the support of a national consultant, an extensive work was carried out for the calculation of SDG 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 on water use efficiency and water stress. A report will be finalized in the coming months. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation.
This work will feed the work of the national team and the report on environmental indicators as well as the H2020 indicator based report.