Jordan - New project to design, develop, and implement a comprehensive computerised and web-enabled 'National Monitoring Information System for Municipal Solid Waste' (NMIS-MSW)
On the basis of initial results of the first phase of SEIS and following the priorities of the ENI SEIS South II Support Mechanism, the EU delegation, the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Environment and the Statistical Office agreed to use the EU bilateral programme to operationalise the recommendations provided by the ENI SEIS South SM in the area of waste. This shall take the form of a project implemented by an European Member States Development Cooperation Agency jointly with its national environment agency.
Within this framework, the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism provided over the last months technical support to assist the government of Jordan in framing one of the key policy measure of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy of Jordan related to the establishment of a National Monitoring Information System (MIS) for recording and monitoring the activities of the Municipal Solid Waste sector and environmental monitoring of dumpsites and new sanitary landfills.
The support from ENI SEIS II South SM consisted in identifying and funding an international waste expert to conduct a mission to assist the Government of Jordan in clarifying division of labour between various line ministries / institutions involved within municipal waste monitoring and to develop the Terms of Reference of the project 'National Monitoring Information System for Municipal Solid Waste' (NMIS-MSW) to be funded by the EU and implemented by an European Member States Development Cooperation Agency jointly with its national environment agency. The document has been drafted in close coordination with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Environment, Department of Statistics and the EU delegation. This in-depth dialogue and coordination allowed to better frame the planned project and ensure better convergence with other on-going bilateral initiatives (e.g. implementation of Jordan Waste strategy, but also on other thematic efforts on monitoring and information system in the area of water and with the overall Environmental Information System for Jordan).
The National Monitoring Information System for Municipal Solid Waste is intended to facilitate the collection, collation of data and reporting of progress of implementation and achievement of results in a real time manner to support evidence based decision making and management. With a budget of EUR 3.5 million the NMIS-MSW is planned to start in November 2017 for a duration of 20 months.
For more information contact Jordan SEIS National Focal Points.