Towards integration of Mediterranean data flows
In the framework of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and UNEP/MAP worked jointly on developing and implementing regional standards for data reporting, while addressing specific perspectives of the individual partner countries in terms of infrastructure.
The key example of this is the reporting exercise for the Horizon 2020 initiative, launched in December 2018 via INFO/RAC Data Centre (IDC) implementing common standards and based on EEA’s reporting practices and technologies.
The data flow followed the agreed common reporting format and detailed indicator factsheet developed for each H2020 indicator. All data flows are subject to Quality Checks (QC), allowing to document methodological aspects, such as definition, units, geographical and temporal coverage, method for gap filling and uncertainties.
Horizon 2020 data flow and reporting from partner countries is monitored via a dedicated dashboard. The current reporting exercise – which feeds in the preparation of the 2nd indicator-based assessment of Horizon 2020 thematic areas - shows that country capacities are heterogeneous. Data availability at the proper geographical scale (national/regional/sub regional) remains often an obstacle which limits comparison among countries. The time series not always being consistent limits the comparison among different geographical units.
As part of the development and maintenance of relevant Mediterranean data flows, EEA and UNEP/MAP Information and Communication Regional Activity Centre (Info RAC) explored the possible integration of data flows from different sources, e.g Horizon 2020 data flows are fully integrated and accessible both from the InfoRAC Data Centre and from the recently launched WISE MARINE platform under the Regional Sea Convention Section. The long term objective of such development is to ensure integration of data flows from Barcelona Convention Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) Information System developed by INFO/RAC with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) reporting contributing to a coordinated assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea.