Further development towards a renewed set of Horizon 2020 indicators
Within the monitoring framework of the Horizon 2020 initiative for a cleaner Mediterranean, a review process based on different levels of aggregation and analysis of environmental information was developed and used to produce the first Horizon 2020 Mediterranean report, issued in May 2014. As part of the review process, the initial set of H2020 indicators was further developed to reflect the renewed mandate of the second phase of Horizon 2020 (2015-2020), which reaffirms the relevance of the three sectors approach (waste water, solid waste and industrial emissions) and strengthens its pollution prevention dimension, focusing on emerging issues such as hazardous waste and marine litter.
Following the first ENI SEIS II South workshop on indicators held 17-18 May 2017 in Copenhagen, a series of dedicated activities took place to further develop the renewed set of H2020 indicators. A series of three thematic webinars in September 2017 gathered ENI SEIS II South national focal points. These webinars (Industrial emissions on 19 September, Waste on 26 September, Water on 27 September), facilitated by the regional lead thematic experts, looked into details of the conceptual approach for the proposed renewed set of Mediterranean indicators together with their corresponding specification.
On the basis of these thematic discussions and country inputs with regard to data availability (done through a dedicated metadata survey), and taking into account the other indicator processes and main outcomes of the first Quality Status Report implemented in the Mediterranean, the set has been further refined and presented at the second ENI SEIS II South Steering Committee/H2020 Review and Monitoring group in October 2017.
Detailed concept notes (waste, water, industrial emissions) and methodological specifications (factsheet specification) have been produced for each of the proposed indicators in the water (access to sanitation, municipal wastewater management, coastal and marine water quality) and industrial emissions (Release of nutrients from industrial sectors, Release of toxic substances from industrial sectors areas, Management of hazardous wastes from industrial sectors, Measures or initiatives taken for the reduction and/or elimination of the amount of hazardous wastes generated by industrial sectors) and are currently being tested within countries. The indicator specifications on the waste area are still under development. This thematic development is coordinated at national level by the national focal points with the support of national thematic experts.