Freshwater use in Europe - new report from European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters
The European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters has recently published a report on 'Use of Freshwater Resources in Europe 2002-2014 - An assessment based on water quantity accounts'. The report can be downloaded from here.
The report is assessing renewable water resources and water scarcity conditions across Europe based on the results of European water quantity accounts. The outputs of European water quantity accounts are containing geo-referenced data and information. The spatial scale is sub-basin and the temporal resolution is monthly aggregated to the seasonal scale covering the years 2002-2014. You can find the outputs of the geo-referenced water quantity accounts together with the water exploitation index on a dynamic map.
This report is a building block of the EEA water accounts and a supporting document to the EEA’s CSI 018 “Use of freshwater resources indicator, and discusses in more detail the status of renewable water resources, water abstractions by environmental assets, water use by economic sectors.