Enhanced support to ENI South countries
In the framework of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism InCountry Support, National work plans were developed by the ENI South countries. Implementation of the national activities is financially supported by bilateral agreements with UN environment Mediterranean Action Plan. As of July 2019, small-scale funding agreements (SSFAs) have been signed with Algeria, Jordan, Israel, Morocco and Palestine. Other modalities for in-country support have also been agreed with Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.
In this context, national meetings/workshops have taken place for Algeria, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia, with further ones planned for the 2nd half of 2019 (including Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya and Palestine).
With direct financial support under this component, national SEIS consultants have been recruited to help countries collect data and develop indicators on industrial emissions, waste and marine litter, and water in the case of Israel, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. The hiring process for SEIS national consultants is underway in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Furthermore, with direct financial support from UNEP/MAP- MED POL (Mediterranean Trust Fund – MTF) national NBB/PRTR consultants have been recruited for Algeria, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, with the expert for Egypt expected to be hired soon.
In addition, Plan Bleu has hired three regional consultants on industrial emissions, waste and marine litter to help draft the relevant sections of the H2020 Assessment and support countries with their national H2020/NAP assessment.
With the support of MEDPOL and InfoRAC Specific documentation has been developed, in particular a user guide on InfoMAPNode (in French and English), a manual for NBB update (in English), PRTR Guidance document (in French and English) and a proposed methodology for developing national emission factors (in French and English) to facilitate reporting on NBB as per Article 13 of the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities (LBS Protocol) as well as on industrial emission data for relevant indicators.