A green economy in a blue world - Regional Conference "A blue economy for a sustainable development of the Mediterranean region", Marseilles, 30-31 May 2017
In the framework of the project “A blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean - Measuring, Monitoring and Promoting an environmentally sustainable economy in the Mediterranean region”founded by the Foundation MAVA, Plan Bleu, PAP/RAC and SCP/RAC organised jointly a conference that was held in Marseille, France, on 30 & 31 May 2017.
This project is directly linked with Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable development (MSSD)and the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan (SCP/AP) and their monitoring. The aims of the conference were to present and discuss the results of the project and to debate on the Blue Economy issues in the Mediterranean in order to propose some recommendations and synergies with similar initiatives and programmes (UfM, EU, UN Environment, MAP, ...).
More information on the conference available here
Interview of Plan Bleu vice-president Christian Averous by Econostrum here