A week of Horizon 2020 discussions in Dead Sea, Jordan
The ninth meeting of the Steering Group of the Horizon 2020 Initiative for a cleaner Mediterranean took place on 29 January 2018 at the Dead Sea, Jordan, back-to-back with the first Meeting of the UfM Environment Task Force (30 January 2018) and the second Steering Committee meeting of the EU-funded SWIM-H2020 Support Mechanism.
It brought together H2020 national focal points, other country representatives, NGOs and other stakeholders from Algeria, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Montenegro, Palestine and Tunisia, along with the UfM, the European Commission, the EEA, the UN Environment Mediterranean Action Plan and other international and regional bodies.
The aim of this Steering Group meeting was, on the one hand, to share progress achieved in the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Work Plan since the previous meeting (February 2016) and, on the other, to (1) agree on the best way to consolidate results and achievements in view of the remaining last 2 years of the initiative’s work plan and (2) take note of the work done on the post-2020 environment agenda under the UfM Environment Task Force (dedicated meeting of the following day).
For all the documents and presentations, please see here.