18/05/2017 Revised European Neighbourhood Policy: supporting stabilisation, resilience, security
The Report shows that the new policy approach ensures stronger joint ownership and more flexibility by recognising different aspirations and diversity of each partner. The revised ENP reinvigorated the relations between the European Union and its neighbours to the East and South, with a greater focus on stabilisation, resilience and security.
The High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: "The European Union has been investing a lot in economic development, resilience, security, democracy and the rule of law in our Eastern and Southern neighbours. One year and a half after the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, we have managed to build - in cooperation and full partnership - a tailor made approach with each and every country, to ensure it addresses the real needs and interests, for the sake of all our citizens”.
Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn commented:''We consulted widely before updating the Neighbourhood Policy – and this report shows how we are really putting into action the results of that consultation: a stronger focus on mutual interests, greater differentiation to reflect the diversity of our partners, a greater sense of shared ownership of the policy and more flexibility in how it is implemented ". Available online are the full press release, a Q&A and the joint communication.
European Commission ENP website