16-18 October 2017 - 2nd Steering Committee of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism and the 8th meeting of the Horizon 2020 Review and Monitoring (RM) Group met in Barcelona
In line with the model adopted in December 2016, a joint meeting of the second Steering Committee of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism project and the eighth meeting of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Review and Monitoring (RM) Group took place in Barcelona, 16-18 October 2017.
The meeting gathered country representatives (i.e. the two SEIS national focal points and one Mediterranean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (MED POL) focal point or their representatives) from the eight ENI South countries, representatives from Montenegro and Turkey, as well as the European Commission Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) secretariat, partner organisations Euro-Mediterranean Information System on Know-How in the Water Sector (EMWIS) and the Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism (SWIM-H2020 SM), EU Member States (Malta), representatives of the United Nations (UN) Environment Mediterranean Action Plan, Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Vienna, the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters (ETC/ICM) and the European Environment Agency (EEA).
The ENI SEIS II South Steering Committee/Horizon 2020 Review and Monitoring Group:
- took stock of progress achieved in 2017 with the review and monitoring component of H2020 and implementation of ENI SEIS II South and discussed relevant developments linked to the key priority areas and governance structure(s) at national level;
- acknowledged progress in developing SEIS national work plans and establishment of SEIS national teams;
- discussed steps towards the next H2020 assessments, highlighting the need to further consolidate the proposed revised list of H2020 indicators, pointing out the requirements for ensuring appropriate data-sharing processes supporting various assessment efforts, and acknowledging the assessment framework for the next H2020 assessment;
- endorsed the regional plan of activities of the ENI SEIS II South project for the period 2018-2019 in the context of the H2020 programme of work for the year 2018;
- reiterated the close links with the National ActionPlan (NAP) and Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) implementation and convergence with other projects and initiatives, in particular to maximise the regional capacities in the most effective way;
Read documents from the ENI SEIS II South steering committee/H2020 RM group meeting