Data Visualization

Figure 2 - Development of water abstraction by source in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2000-2017)

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Data sources:

Water abstraction by source provided by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Note: Data in excel table was provided by the MENR to the European Environment Agency under the ENI SEIS II East Project.


Although renewable water resources fluctuate over time, since 2004 annual renewable water resources have remained below the long-term average and are constantly decreasing. In parallel to this trend, the pressure of water abstraction on renewable water resources has been steadily increasing.

On average, 11 000 million m3 of water is abstracted annualy in Azerbaijan to meet the water demand of various economic activities. There was an increasing trend in water abstraction between 2000 and 2017.

The total population of the country also increased by 22 % between 2000 and 2017. This has resulted in a susbtantial decrease in the available renewable water resources per capita, from 4 567.8 m3/capita per year in 2000 down to 2 999.3 m3/capita per year in 2017.


What are the pressures of economic activities on freshwater resources?

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