Data Visualization
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Data sources:
(C1) Renewable freshwater resources by indicators and years provided by ArmStatBank
(C12) Freshwater abstraction (surface and groundwater) by indicators and years provided by ArmStatBank
Armenia is a non-water stressed country. On average (between 2000 and 2017) the annual renewable freshwater resource was around 6 670 million m3 corresponding to 2 189 m3/per capita per year. However, due to inadequate water management practices, Armenia has been facing severe water stress conditions for a long time. The annual WEI on average is higher than 40 %. The annual WEI was 61.4 % in 2017. That means that almost two thirds of all renewable freshwater resources in Armenia was abstracted to meet the water demands of society and the economy.
The WEI illustrates the level of the pressure of water abstraction on renewable water resources. Renewable water resources, overall, are under the control of climate conditions. In particular, they are affected by precipitation and actual evapotranspiration. During wet years (high precipitation and low actual evapotranspiration), the WEI would be relatively lower, while in dry years, even though water abstraction remains at the same level, the WEI would be higher.
Renewable water resources in Armenia vary greatly from year to year. In 2007, Armenia received 9 367 million m3 of renewable water resources, which was the highest annual amount between 2000 and 2017, while 2000 was the worst year, receiving only 2 873 million m3 of renewable water resources. In 2017, the amount of renewable water resources received was 4 663 million m3, which was significantly below the annual average (6 671 million m3).