Figure 5

Figure 5 – Current concentration of ammonium in rivers in Ukraine (2017)

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Data sources: Data were provided by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine under the ENI SEIS II East project activities.

Note: The current concentration is calculated as the average of the mean concentrations of ammonium (mg N/l) in Ukraine for the year 2017. The total number of river sites included in the analysis is 131. The number of monitoring sites per river is given in parenthesis.

Five per cent of the measured sites on rivers in Ukraine have low ammonium pollution. Two thirds of sites (65 %) an increased level of pollution (between 0.1 and 0.4 mg N/l). Almost one third (30 %) of sites are highly polluted with ammonium.

The rivers most polluted with ammonium are Sievercki Donets and Desna. All their sites have ammonium concentrations of over 0.2 mg N/l. There is also high ammonium pollution at sites on the Dnipro river. Here, 83 % (45) of sites have high levels of pollution (> 0.2 mg N/l). The remainder (nine sites) are moderately polluted with ammonium (0.1-0. 2 mg N/l). All sites on the Prut river are at least moderately polluted with ammonium.

The ammonium concentrations at sites on the Dnester river show the highest diversity. Two sites have low concentrations, five moderate, six high and six very high concentrations. The sites with low and high ammonium pollution alternate along the river and show a decreasing trend downstream. 

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