4-5 June 2020 | EU support builds capacity for integrated water resources management in Georgia
On 4 and 5 June, Georgian and EEA water experts held two days’ of online capacity development training on managing the Water Information System. The training focused on sharing environmental information, including that on water — a resource that is vital for all life on our planet, ecosystems, society and the economy.
As Georgia is home to very rich freshwater and marine ecosystems, water is a strategic resource for society and the economy. The Water Information System of Georgia (WIS-Georgia) is an important step forward that will support policymaking and the implementation of integrated water resources management. With support from the EU, Georgia is effectively aligning with and approximating its water policy and implementation to the EU environmental acquis.
The system’s functionalities and design are inspired by the European Water Information System (WISE), on which all EU Member States report water data and share information. WIS-Georgia presents water datasets, indicators, dynamic maps and reports. It allows data and information to be exchanged and shared among the national water agencies in line with SEIS principles and practices. Citizens, experts, practitioners and academics can now access various databases and compare national data with the data of EU Member States, as Georgian water quality data are fully aligned with the European dataset.
WIS-Georgia is hosted by the Environmental Information and Education Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.
With this information system, Georgia has taken a substantial step towards sustainable and integrated management of water resources in accordance with the principles and practices of the EU Water Framework Directive.
The event was covered by Interpress news and Environmental Information and Education Center