26 February - 2 March 2018 | Armenia: In-depth water data management training
Starting today, Armenia and the European Environment Agency water experts will hold a 5-day training session, building capacity for upgrading Lake Sevan water information system to become national water information system that can support policy-making and implementation of integrated water resources management in Armenia. The training is delivered by an EU funded project focused on sharing environmental information, including on water – a resource that is vital for all life on our planet, ecosystems, society and the economy.
Integrated water management requires cooperation and sharing information among many stakeholders. Moreover, it is important to obtain relevant, reliable, robust and harmonized data that can be used to assess the state and pressure on the water resource.
With solid information, it is possible to make sound and effective policies that support the integrated water resource management and preserve freshwater ecosystems.
This was a follow up training. Information on the first training is available here
EU delegation press release: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/armenia/40371/node/40371_hy | https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/armenia/40370/depth-water-data-management-training-eu-funded-project_en
The European Neighbourhood Instrument of the European Union funds ENI SEIS II East project. The four-year project implements the principles and practices of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS). The project builds on previous cooperation between the European Environment Agency and the six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). It aims to deepen the EU’s relations with the six Eastern Partnership countries, and support the promotion of environmental protection by strengthening environmental governance. The project builds capacity in the fields of biodiversity, water, land, waste, air, communication and environmental assessments.