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24 February 2020 | Belarus publishes state of the environment report 2015-2018

Countries: Belarus

Belarus published the state of the environment report (2015-2018) on the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection.

The SOER of the Republic of Belarus is published every four years by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the 2008 Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 734.

The Ministry is responsible for publishing Ecological Bulletin “The State of the Natural Environment of Belarus” which is published annually since 2003. Ecological Bulletin contains the systematized information on state of natural environment in the current year. The various characteristics of natural resources and the level their contamination are also considered.

Since 2010, Belarus uses a system of core environmental indicators. Thirty four indicators divided into eight thematic groups and are available on the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat) webpage. The statistical book Environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus is published annually and presents the data on the state of the natural environment and environmental impact of economic activities.