22 January 2020 | Executive summary of the European environment – state and outlook 2020 report is online
The European environment – state and outlook report (SOER) 2020 is published by the EEA every five years as mandated in its regulation. SOER 2020 is the 6th SOER published by the EEA since 1995 and it was officially launched on 4 December 2019 in Brussels.
SOER 2020 has been prepared in close collaboration with the EEA’s European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet). The report draws on the Eionet’s vast expertise of leading experts and scientists in the environmental field, across the EEA’s 33 member countries and six cooperating countries.
SOER 2020 is the most comprehensive environmental assessment ever undertaken on Europe. It provides a stark snapshot of where Europe stands in meeting 2020 and 2030 policy targets as well as longer term 2050 goals and ambitions to shift to a sustainable, low carbon future.
The findings and key messages of SOER2020 will be addressed in the upcoming ENI SEIS II East events on environmental assessments.
For further information, including the full report, all language versions of the Executive Summary as well as the Russian version, please visit https://www.eea.europa.eu/soer-2020/intro